Sunday, August 15, 2010

I *heart* my Vitamix

I haven't always been in the best of shape or consumed the most healthy food or drink.  However, I have spent time talking with a nutritionist and generally try to make good choices to be healthier.  This week I am doing a bit of a low-key detoxification process and am feeling better each day!

So last month I splurged a little bit a lot:  I bought myself a Vitamix.  What is it?  Only the best appliance I will ever own.  Literally.  It's a 2 horsepower blender *gasp*. This puppy will turn avocado pits into powder.  It will pulverize anything you put into it.  Of course, given my extensive history of bodily injury in the kitchen, I made sure that the appropriate safety devices were included in the purchase.  The beauty of it is that it allows the consumption of the whole food (skins, seeds, rinds and all) and in the raw state, so you get the maximum nutritional value.  No pulp, no waste, just vitamins and fiber from the food.   It will make and heat soup, grind grains into flour, make bread dough, etc.  I have been making juices, moothies, soups and's completely changing my nutrition.  YUM :-)    Here are just a few recipes that I have really enjoyed with my Vitamix!

* Blueberry and Almond, Peach and Almond, Raspberry and Rice, Mango and Coconut
2 cups almond, rice or coconut milk
1 cup of blueberries or raspberries, or one whole peach or mango
1 scoop of whey protien powder
1 scoop of Pro-Greens type powder (preferably with a probiotic)
A couple of ice cubes
Method:  Blend together until smooth.

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Beet, Carrot, Apple and Ginger Juice
1  large or 2 medium beets, cut into wedges
1/2  lemon (peeled for this recipe)
2  large carrots, cut into smaller sections
1  large apple, cut into wedges
1-inch piece of ginger
Method:  Blend together until smooth.

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Salad with Carrot and Ginger Dressing
     For Salad:
1 head of leafy greens, roughly cut
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
1 avocado, diced
     For Dressing:
1  large carrot
1  large shallot
2 T  fresh ginger (roughly chopped)
1 T  sweet white miso
2 T  rice wine vinegar
1 T  roasted sesame seed oil
1/4 cup  grapeseed oil
2  T water
Method:  (*For the dressing I used my smaller food chopper/blender, rather than the Vitamix.)  Pulse the carrot, shallot and ginger in a blender until finely chopped.  Scrape down the sides.  Add the miso, vinegar and sesame seed oil and blend together.  While the blender is going, slowly drizzle in the grapeseed oil and the water.  Combine the salad and dressing just prior to serving.

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Green Soup
* Broccoli and Arugula or Pea and Basil
1  T olive oil
1  clove garlic
1/2  yellow onion
1  head of broccoli, cut into sections, or 2 cups peas
2 1/2  cups water
1/4  teaspoon each salt and pepper
3/4  cup arugula (watercress would be good too) or basil
1/2  lemon
Method:  Put all items into the Vitamix and blend until smooth. Enjoy cold or warm in the microwave.

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